I woke up this morning and was shocked when i realized it was halloween weekend. WHOAH. well i guess another holiday missed from grinding but thats okay. I am so close i can feel it. Anyway when i woke up I went on a short run. It was freezing! around 38 degrees to be exact but i got a mile in. When I got back home my lungs hurt so bad. I was able to get so much done today. Untill… i started working on my exocore and realized I wanted to make a telegram bot. this was no easy task. I dont even know python frfr. Today after 12pm waw me copy and pasting code and subsequent error messages. I think tomorrow will be a little more productive. I hope so.

okay so the telegram bot.

when I first asked chatgpt how to do it, it seamed so simple. just 3 lines of code. in fact in the beginiong it seemed to work. Who knows what or where everything was lost but eventually i got to a point where the bot the ai was giving me didnt even serve the same purpouse. i had to completly delete everything and resinstall it. I was begining to get frustrated when i found out that chat gpt was using code from an old telegram bot version. 12.8.0 to be exact. I was able to download the correct version but i still have not had luck with the dam thing sending a message ,oh well i think tomorrow will be the day i get it done. these learning curves are exponential. Maybe if its under 100$ a month i can do a bmilly sales bot. I am excited to see.

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Alt-H1 Editing my exocore .


    i know i want to add radbros flying around. when i was scrolling through the index page it did not feel smooth. ie mis capitalizations exclamation ect. I feel like some words should stand out per say maybe have a bracket around some stuff we will see

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